Hi there!
I am Roel Vaneyghen, full-stack Javascript engineer with a passion for building online businesses.
My main focus at the moment is growing Urban Hunt together with my co-founder. We develop playful city games for families and businesses.
Get in touch or .
On the side I am working on:
- Kwis.app - fun quizzing for the family.
- Bookfast - booking platform for workshops and events.
- Freelance projects - I occasionally help others with their tech.
- Electronics and hardware programming
Some of my past projects:
- Clickit co-founder (2014-18)
Photography workshops and educational programs for kids.
Acquired in Q4/2019
- Trouwen in Beeld co-founder (2013-17)
Wedding photography.
Acquired in Q4/2019
- Ralph Starck co-founder (2011-18)
Film, photography and motion design.
Acquired in Q4/2019
Social: LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter
Last update: Aug 30, 2023